Guitar performance 18 [By the waves]

I made this guitar performance a title called “By the waves”.

The rhythm is line collecting.

I stopped the guitar and the line collecting of the base.

An amplifier was connected directly with the guitar and taped it with a microphone.

Guitar performance machine parts
1st guitar:Greco guitar LesPoul type
Anr amplifier:GuyaTone H&M30 for 1stguitar
2nd guitar:Fernandes Frt-70(single coil) guitar
bass guitar:Fernandes bass guitar
An amplifier:YAMAHA PE-200 for 2nd guitar & bass guitar
A rhythm box:YAMAHA DD-6

guitar performance:By the waves[flv:/rec/29Rock-A-Ballad-m2-2nd-bass-2-LesPoul-1-HM30.mp3 80 0]

A note)It is a guitar performance with the thought, but the copyright subsists in us.(The reproduction prohibits it; please forgive it.)