Guitar performance 44 [My Song]

RAT of DISTORTION was this time used for

the effector with guitar (ARIA2 RS ROAD WARRIOR)

of the aria this time.

The echo entered the taken state

when the mike ..sound.. was recorded

to the minimum because it was a night.

Feeling is not bad. However,

the noise is unpleasant for a moment.
Guitar performance machine parts
1st 2nd guitar:AriaPro2 RS ROAD WARRIOR
bass guitar:Fernandes bass guitar
Effectter:RAT Prico
An amplifier:YAMAHA PE-200 for 2nd guitar & bass guitar
A rhythm box:YAMAHA DD-6

Guitar performance 44 [My Song] [flv:/rec//mysong-BounceRock-PM0-CCmj7C7FFmCD7G7-2AW-BASS-1WA-RAT-e.mp3 80 0]

A note)It is a guitar performance with the thought, but the copyright subsists in us.(The reproduction prohibits it; please forgive it.)